The Roswell Incident Cover-up
Col. Phil Corso writes about General Twining and how the government realized the situation from Roswell and made an attempt to keep it top secret. General Twining, a friend of Corso’s, possessed top secret information about what happened at the Roswell incident. He claimed, “They had a technology vastly superior to ours” (Corso 72). He knew if we were forced to fight a war with the extraterrestrials then we must study all we know. He wanted to know all about the aliens without it leaking out into the public. He possessed photographs and autopsies of the aliens and they appeared human-like and from a planet it our own solar system. Since the Roswell report changed after the initial one, the public had already suspected that a real UFO crash had occurred. Twining wanted to create an agency that accepted reported UFO sightings but put out to the public a cover up for every story. Then if the information was credible, they would go back and investigate without the public knowing. Twining suggested that everyone with inside knowledge of the Roswell crash should deny everything, while letting the public choose their own beliefs. Also, time could be a factor, because eventually societal members will move on and forget about what happened (or what they thought had happened).
I think that the writer of this did not give enough straight information on what was discussed. The facts were unclear and unorganized but still had truth to them. An attempt to cover-up the Roswell incident is all the proof one needs to realize that a UFO actually did crash that day outside of Roswell, New Mexico. The fact that General Twining had a set plan on how to handle current and future alien sightings proves that UFO’s exist. You can call the man crazy, but if he was he wouldn’t have been working for the government.
Corso, Philip J. “The Cover-up.” The Day After Roswell. New York: Rosewood Woods Production, 1997. 65-76. Print.
Good job Alex! Just curious, have you ever watch Close Encounters?
no i havent. I have heard of that, but i never have time to watch it.