Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mysterious lights filmed, said to be UFO's

Brad Drenning was an iReport witness of several blinking lights in the sky in Arizona in April of 2008. He was outside with his son and noticed four very bright blinking lights in a straight line. After that, he grabbed his video camera and recorded the 4 mysterious beams of light. They began to move into several different formations such as squares, a W-shape, diamonds, trapezoids etc. Each time they would move apart before reforming. The lights on them were pretty bright, but every few seconds that would become substantially brighter for about a second before returning to normal brightness. They were described as tens of thousands of feet high in the air. There were no reports of flight by any airport or military activity. It was confirmed that these lights were not a flare of any type. Soon after, the mysterious lights, described as UFO’s then flew off into the distance one-by-one.
This is a great source because there is actual footage of what happened instead of just a description. It looked pretty convincing to me; I seriously doubt that those were an illusion because it was obvious that they were moving in an organized and ordered way. It really stands out because this was recorded by an average citizen and it was his voice describing what happened; whereas, other reports are third person describing someone else’s views. The fact that it is from CNN means that it is a pretty legit source and it highly credible. This gives proper evidence of non-human (alien) life.
Cable News Network. “Mysterious Red Lights in Sky.” CNN. CNN Video. 22 April 2008. Web. 15 April 2010.

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