I interviewed Dr. David Jacobs on the topic of alien-life and abductions. He is a professor at Temple University and has spent over 40 years researching aliens. He has worked with and counseled over 150 people that claim to have been abducted by aliens. In 1973 he received a Ph. D. on the study of UFO existence; he was only the 2nd person to ever achieve this at that time. He is interested in aliens, and his field of specialty is actually alien abductions.
In the interview he discussed several problems abductions have, one being that they do not have the evidence that UFO’s in general have. He says “It’s an interesting world…It’s more complicated than we think.” There are no actual tapes or pictures to prove that they happened. Therefore he has to rely on the memory and word of several of his ‘clients’. He says that abductees are intergenerational; the parents, children and their children are all abducted at some point in time. Normally these people are abducted several times throughout their lives, but they only remember “snippets” from each one. The person abducted can never resist being brought into the UFO; they are hypnotized at an instant before they’re abducted. “You can’t just reach under the couch for the magnum 44 and blow their heads off” says Jacobs. He says that during abductions the victim goes through a process. The aliens take up the person into the UFO, remove the person's clothes, examine them properly, take sperm and eggs, remove embryo, and plant fetuses into the women. Also the aliens perform a scan of the human brain, referred to as a “neurological engagement” by Dr. Jacobs. This is where the aliens connect to the human’s optic nerve in a hypnotic way; they look into the person’s memory and also implant images into the person's mind. After that, the abductees are taken to a room where they look at a screen of some type and watch scenes of everyday life and then usually a scene showing an asteroid headed towards earth. No one knows why this happens. After that the person is taken into rooms with glass cylinders filled with water and “hybrid” fetuses. A hybrid is a race formed from aliens and humans together (this is why they take the sperm and eggs). Jacobs said that he has never encountered a hybrid, and if he has then he wouldn’t know it because they look so human. When I asked if he had any compelling evidence he told me about the stains that he found on abductees' clothes. It is a special kind of liquid that can be brown, pink, or florescent. He said that it has been examined by professionals, and they cannot identify it. He said it would be almost impossible for them to determine what it is because it’s like “solving for an unknown.” Towards the end of the interview he said that he wishes this didn’t exist so he can go on living his life. He added that these things really are happening, and there really is stuff out there. It took him a while to believe it, but “once I was at that point there was no turning back.”
I had a great experience interviewing this professor. It really helped me to step out of my comfort zone to contact someone far away. He was very kind to do the interview, and he seemed like he enjoyed sharing the knowledge that he has collected over the years. Pretty much everything he said was something that I have never heard; I learned a whole lot! He shared several stories with me that his clients experienced. He gave me his opinion on pretty much everything. I enjoyed hearing all of it, especially the part when he told me about people's common misconceptions and disbelief. I wasn’t sure if I believed in this stuff, and he told me why many do not believe. This is the very reason to believe. I liked everything he had to say. He knew what he was talking about…He has spent his lifetime researching.
Jacobs, David. Personal Interview. 28 April 2010.