The artifacts saved from the Roswell incident
Philip J. Corso describes some of his experiences working at the pentagon with some of the artifacts discovered at the Roswell incident in his book The Day after Roswell. He had been assigned a job at the Pentagon to work for the research and development army division in the foreign technology desk. His first day on the job, his general described the type of things Philip would be doing. The general told him of a cabinet with top secret objects enclosed. He had it sent privately to Corso’s office. He later examined the objects, and they had been artifacts from the Roswell UFO crash. The general warned him that the Air Force, the Navy, the CIA, and the Russians would kill for a peek inside. Therefore, he had to do whatever he could to keep the secret. Corso describes several of the objects that were inside of this “cabinet”. Corso worked and tested some of these objects. The artifacts included many objects that were clearly not of earth. There was a clear strand of flexible and glassy wires wound together that were thinner than copper wire. Under the light, the object began to glow in several different colors. Two thin plastic-like quarter-sized objects were also found with wires etched into their surface. They were said by Corso to be a type of circuit except they couldn’t be plugged in anywhere. Also found were dark, thin, elliptical pieces that were said to be contact-lenses of an extra-terrestrial creature. They reflected light and they even lit-up and outlined objects in total darkness. There was also a piece of dull, gray, foil that could not be folded, bent, or torn. Corso described this as a “metallic fiber with ‘supertenacity,’ but when I tried to cut it with scissors, the arms just slid right off without making even a nick in the fibers” (Corso 46). Also found was a type of high intensity flashlight with an unknown power source. It projected a red circle of light that seemed to burn through objects. It was almost like a blow torch, but it cut holes in things. All of these were unrecognizable.
This book source really caught my attention because it is from the viewpoint of a credible citizen who actually worked with the artifacts found. This also includes the summary of the Roswell incident but has much more information. I think this is a chapter that truly convinces its readers of alien existence. There is no possible way that humans designed these items because they were fascinating to the eyes of professionals, much less the average person. The U.S. was at the top of the technological world at this time, and Russia was right there behind us; Russia wasn’t this much more advanced that we thought. These artifacts were created with unknown materials and were made by a much more intelligent being. These objects were created by extra-terrestrial beings obviously.
Corso, Philip J. “The Roswell Artifacts.” The Day After Roswell. New York: Rosewood Woods Production, 1997. 35-48. Print.